Website Wednesday – ethically influence for maximum impact business

websitewednesday750As you build your small business there are many things to consider in adding employees to keep your organization running smoothly. Organizational Politics is one of those factors that you may overlook.

Are you encouraging innovation, do the departments you create work together or work for their own individual goals? If your new employees are new to the working world do they understand the concept of politics and relationship dynamics? These are just a few ideas where can help business owners.

PoliticalSavvyImpact550The Political Savvy book is a valuable resource for anyone, it explains key concepts in a clear and easy to understand way and can be applied to many aspects of life. While many examples are navigating the organizational politics in corporate cultures, the concepts are easily applied to small business or even career changers looking for a leg up on getting things done efficiently.

Political Savvy also offers and Audio book version and a Video Interview with the Author, Joel R. DeLuca Ph.D., who also published a guide on Overcoming Resistance to Change. These products are based on decades of research on organizational politics and sheds light on a variety of factors and focuses on how to ethically get things done in any organization.

In addition to the products they offer seminars by highly skilled and certified trainers to help any organization improve their processes while maintaining a high ethical standard; i.e.without hidden agendas or having to watch their backs.

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