Featured Follower Friday – Small Business Owners, Authors and other Tipsters

Our goal on Featured Follower Friday is to spotlight the many resources available from our loyal followers and how our small business clients and fellow Entrepreneurs can benefit from what tips and resources they have to offer.


During the last few months we have featured tips and resources from Authors like Carson Heady, Mahogany Dream, Doug and Polly White, as well as a local Chamber of Commerce President, Small Business Banker, and even a little something for the golf enthusiast small business owners. We encourage you to share tips or resources you may be able to share to help small business owners and fellow Entrepreneurs.

Please share this (simply copy and paste into your social media):
“Featured Follower Friday spotlights Entrepreneurs that can #MakeBusinessBloom with resources and tipshttp://bit.ly/followerfri

Tweet your ideas for resources, articles, tips to: @eRoseWeb

Stop and Smell the Roses…Remember to Enjoy being an Entrepreneur!
