Marketing Lessons from: #TheDress

The original image is in the middle. At left, white-balanced as if the dress is white-gold.At right, white-balanced to blue-black. swiked  3 versions of the dress photo wired   Social Media Marketing lessons from #TheDress Debate of 2015 (Tumblr Dress Color) If you were paying attention to Social Media recently (or even watching the news) you’ve heard about the attention explosion Read more…

Website Redesign and Marketing to Grab Attention! (The Benefit Strategy)

Having a good website for your small business is mandatory for any entrepreneur who wants to be around long-term. Whether you are creating the website internally or with the help of professional web designers and marketers it is critical to do some strategic thinking up front. Next time you are thinking of a major overhaul of your marketing and or Read more…

Introducing Shayna’s Corner

Shayna is our mascot, an Australian Shepherd mix that is always looking for attention, so we decided it would be fun to find ways to give her a more active role in our small business. Here is our first attempt: We gave Shayna the opportunity to write a section of the blog to introduce herself, but all we got was… Read more…

Website Ideas for the Small Business Owner to reach future clients

What do you need to know as a Small Business Owner about changes in technology and design that affect your business? While you don’t need to know how to design a website for your business there are just some trends you need to keep track of one of which is using responsive or adaptive design in association with mobile and Read more…

Ad-vocados Picked for Effective Marketing on Super Bowl 49

I always look forward to the Super Bowl for a couple of reasons, the high level of play by at least one of the teams, and the unveiling of the new Super Bowl Ads. My passion is helping Entrepreneurs to market their business to help them Make Business Bloom, so I enjoy seeing the strategies and creativity of the Super Read more…

Redesigned Website and Blog

Websites are always in need of attention and revision. We recently redesigned our own website with a brand new look and feel to better accommodate the changing times in the website and marketing industry. In order to better communicate with our existing and future clients we have integrated social media aspects as well as a design that optimizes for tablets Read more…