Getting Found with Google…Simple as 1, 2, 3?

While Google typically plays it close to the vest on how they determine who gets highly ranked and who doesn’t there have been recent disclosures from Google that give good clues for you to optimize your website for a higher Google PageRank. Keys to Success on Google: Content, Links, RankBrain Content (Keyword Rich): Our philosophy at eRose Web has consistently Read more…

Entrepreneur I.Q. Learning from Life Experience

No matter what industry or profession you have chosen there is always something more to learn, especially from interactions with others. What have you done to take advantage of the learning opportunities surrounding you to improve yourself or your business?

A Lesson in Marketing Consistency

There I go again! Not taking my own advice. I often tell my small business clients that consistency in marketing is critical to long term success, and it is very true…but often it is easier said than done, as most of my fellow small business owners / Entrepreneurs know all to well. For the last few months I have been Read more…

Trending Topic – Small Business Saturday

Thanksgiving is almost here, but this year the Christmas music started right after Halloween. The temperatures are cooling and there is holiday shopping in the air! While most small businesses will probably not have their biggest sales day of the year on Small Business Saturday, I am glad it is gaining popularity. Let’s face it people want bargains and small Read more…

Marketing Monday, Applying ‘Buy-ology’ for Small Business Entrepreneurs

Want to improve the results of your marketing? We want to share some of the findings from the scientific approach to testing marketing, a field called neuromarketing. Specifically some small business applications to the book Buy-ology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy, by Martin Lindstrom. While not his most recent work on the topic, I came across other marketers Read more…

Featured Follower Friday – Mari Smith, Facebook Marketing Expert

Mari Smith @marismith is a Facebook Marketing Expert who spoke at the recent Social Media Success Summit #SMSS15. She provides a lot of great information for small business owners looking to promote their business through Facebook and Social Media Marketing in general. That is why we are featuring her and a just a few of the helpful tips she shared Read more…

Entrepreneur IQ – Soar like an Airplane during the tough times.

Our Inspirational Quote today comes from a fellow Entrepreneur who revolutionized his industry, Henry Ford. We all have times when it seems that business (and life for that matter) have been pulling us down. That is the time to make sure to keep moving forward despite the difficulties. It is at these times where we can have the greatest impact. Read more…

Featured Follower Friday – President of Delaware County Chamber – Trish McFarland

While our clients are not only in the local area of Southeastern Pennsylvania, we have benefited from our association with a few local Chambers of Commerce. Today we highlight the President of the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce (@DelcoChamber), Trish McFarland @tjmac24. As a follower you learn about the many great events and resources of the Delaware County Chamber as Read more…

Thinking Thursday – Persistence is the Key to Winning in Small Business Marketing!

We have found the key in small business is persistence and adapting to the needs of your customers. What advice would you offer to fellow Entrepreneurs? Please share this (simply copy and paste into your social media): “Thinking Thursday, Persistence is the Key to Winning in Small Business Marketing #MakeBusinessBloom …“ Tweet your thoughts and additional topics to: @eRoseWeb Read more…

Website Wednesday – ethically influence for maximum impact business

As you build your small business there are many things to consider in adding employees to keep your organization running smoothly. Organizational Politics is one of those factors that you may overlook. Are you encouraging innovation, do the departments you create work together or work for their own individual goals? If your new employees are new to the working world Read more…