Why should I want Pokémon Go around my small business?

Like most small business owners I don’t have time to play around with a lot of phone apps or play games on my smartphone, a game console or even on my computer. That makes it easy to be out of the loop when a new hot new trend comes out. I wanted to share some info with small business owners that may have been in that boat with me, and want just a little info on this trend to either apply it to their business, or at minimum be able to discuss it with clients and prospects, if appropriate. Further I want to emphasize the importance of mobile websites and marketing for all small businesses.

Curious to know what the latest craze “Pokemon Go” is all about and if you can get your small business increased sales and exposure through this extremely popular phone app/interactive game?

We found a couple good sources to share with ideas for small business marketing, especially if you have a retail location. The TV show on MSNBC “Your Business” did a recent feature with 5 ideas on how to get new customers using Pokemon Go:

Video: 5 ways Pokemon Go can help you get customers
MSNBC Your Business 7/22/16

“Pokemon Go is the most talked about game of the summer, and it’s time for you to cash in on this digital phenomenon by driving sales to your small business. Here are five ways to attract customers with Pokemon Go from Inc.com.”

If you want a more in depth description of what this trend is all about and some additional ideas on how to get involved through ads or special promotions check out this informative article on SmallBizTrends.com:

What Is Pokemon Go and Why Your Small Business Can’t Afford to Miss This Trend?
by Joshua Sophy on SmallBizTrends.com

“If you haven’t seen scads of people near you seemingly chasing figments of their imagination down sidewalks, through public parks”, etc … “you’ve likely heard of Pokemon Go. Chances are, you’re currently at the stage where if someone drops a Pokemon reference near you, you laugh to appear hip and with it but you, in reality, still have no idea what anyone is talking about or what the fuss is all about.” … “No worries, though. Presumably about half or more of the adult world — and probably even fewer small business owners — know what Pokemon Go is, so here’s a primer on how it works and a bit about how it can potentially benefit your small business now and in the future.” …

“There are two central hubs within the game, PokeStops and Pokemon Gyms. While it’s hard to actually become one of these spots as a business, there are ways of benefiting from your proximity to them. A PokeStop is a central hub where Pokemon Trainers can get items to be used in the game. Pokemon Gyms are where Pokemon Trainers gather to battle their collected Pokemon. Again, these PokeStops and Pokemon Gyms are generally located in public spots and civic or community hubs, not often at individual businesses. Think: statues, libraries, train stations, fountains, lakes, gazebos, etc.” … “Your business’s proximity to a PokeStop could be a boon to you, too. There are already scads of reports of businesses near PokeStops seeing an increase in foot traffic and sales.” …

Pokemon Lure: “This is probably the most direct way of potentially directing foot traffic to your business via the Pokemon Go app.”…”
By casting a Pokemon Lure” … “you’ve suddenly become a font for Pokemon for the next 30 minutes. If the game is as popular in your community as it seems to be just about everywhere, expect people to come near your lure looking to catch some Pokemon.”

Read Full Article

While most small businesses will not take the time to develop a marketing strategy based on a trend like Pokemon Go, it is good to think about different ideas to market your business and be aware of what your clients might be interested in and cultural trends.

While Pokemon may come and Go it seems interactive smartphone apps and advertising is more and more pervasive and will not be going away anytime soon. Make sure you get your website to a mobile friendly format as soon as you can and start working in more emphasis on mobile in your overall marketing plan for the future.

Make Your Business Bloom with a website and marketing that will show your future clients all the benefits your products and services offer to them!